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About the cows

Kirbydale Advent Rosie Red Friesian cow

The Kirbydale herd of pedigree Friesian and Jersey cows was established by Steve and Shelli in 1995.


Competing at local A&P shows has always been a family pastime. The compeitiveness is appealing, but also the joy of spending time with others who share our passion for beautiful dairy cows.


Over the years many cow families have been developed and all 3 of our children have grown up showing their calves  - and later their cows - alongside us at the shows. Katie has continued this passion and now owns very special Brown Swiss cows under her own Underdale stud name.

Breeding pedigree cow families has added interest to our farming business and provided us with a social  outlet from the busy life on the farm. Taking our cows out to shows is often the only way we get to catch up with our friends in the farming community.


Our cows enjoy the pampering of show cow life, and they especially enjoy the extra food treats on offer!

Kirbydale Ace Lillian Jersey cow
Champion show cow with a ribbon and owner

Every day  that we go out with our cows is a good day, but it's always nice to get a win sometimes!


Over the years we have won at most of the shows in Otago and Southland with our cows, heifers and calves - even with bulls back when they were shown!


We often have show quality animals for sale, contact us if you would like to talk about buying your own cow for milking, showing or just as a wonderful pet!

It's not all about showing though. At home on the farm our cows are cherished and cared for every day of the year. Unlike larger herds, every cow in the Otago Fresh Milk herd is known by her name. Within the herd we have daughters, mothers and even grandmothers who live together and milk side by side.


Our cows eat grass and locally sourced baleage and hay. When they come in for milking they get a treat of a grain based meal mixed with minerals for their health. Our cows never eat palm kernel.


Male calves are reared by their mothers or a foster cow to be fed until weaning. Female calves are reared on their mother's milk. We run a 'no bobby calf" system - no calves are killed at birth, every calf is reared and goes on to have a productive life. Surplus calves are sometimes sold to knowledgable homes. Please enquire if you are interested.

Happy dairy cows grazing green grass wit
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